Tactical 27.08.2019

Max / Hackathon

Bohdan: hackathon went good, all tasks were done in time, talked with Vitalik. Was raised the point the whales can have a substantial effect. Remove exchanges as well. Had 2 tables: 1st table was interested and gave some advice (like with tokens). The 2nd no so much. Didn't add the slide with the stats sources.

Bogdan: could have attracted Alex for snarks. DappCon had bad wifi, several presentations failed. EthBerlin was great – was a great experience, free food and drinks, nice atmosphere. Best project – saltty (EVM in EVM) and pass saving app. In the rules there was a point to build only on new projects, that's maybe why we missed the prize.

Max / 4ireside chat + Slock.it

Monthly call

Max / Devcon activity

Would be nice to plan some activites, will discuss with Hudson

Bohdan / Measure power voting in tokens

Adding to the backlog

As participant I want to use my tokens as my voting power to improve the signalling (maybe DAI)

Bohdan / Twitter stances

As participant I can add my stances directly from the twitter directly.

Bohdan / How to engage more people in governance

maybe build in Metamask or create own token as the compensation.

Last updated