Tactical 30.07.2019

Bohdan / Moloch grant

Rejected in the last day, Hudson couldn't vote on behalf of EF. Was some critics about only one EIP – lack of traction. Plan – reapply in some time after more traction maybe ~month.

Bohdan / Hackathon

Our goal: update the system with additional chrome plugin to be able

  1. seeing voting results in the EIP github page

  2. being able to cast a vote on-chain

  3. and with influencer account

    • being to able to connect your twitter account with plugin

  4. Receive notifications on EIPs that need signals and overall events

  5. Own wallet for voting

Max / Relevant EIPs + What info we want to get

Need to talk to Hudson to define the EIPs we want to collect info on

  • What data makes good signaling

  • Which EIPs we need to focus on,

  • Need help with ethmagicians participation

Max / Website update

Added EIP 2025 voting

Last updated